Kenny’s Story

Kenny was diagnosed with Asperger’s and felt lost when he reached out to the Community Brokerage Network. When the broker first met him, she saw how hard he was trying to improve his life but was struggling with daily tasks, feeling connected, and finding a purpose. A recent breakup made things even harder for him.

Kenny wanted to understand his diagnosis better and meet other autistic people. He hadn’t had any contact with social work and was curious about SDS and its support. He was eager to talk about his dreams, like a career in mental health and getting a door entry phone for his flat. He knew about a course at a local college but was anxious due to a previous negative experience.

The broker stepped in to help. She liaised with the local social work team and secured short-term crisis support for Kenny, providing a PA who assisted with daily tasks and community involvement. After 12 weeks, Kenny felt confident enough to manage without this support. The broker also arranged occupational therapy to get his door entry phone and contacted the college to ensure he received the necessary support. Kenny was offered a place in the college course he wanted.

Additionally, the broker advocated for Kenny with the National Autistic Society, getting him involved in their programs. She suggested ways for him to connect with other autistic people, including a group on the Meet Up app. The broker provided contact information and ensured Kenny knew how to stay safe while joining new groups. Kenny successfully made these connections on his own.

Thanks to the support from the broker, Kenny became active in the Meet Up group for autistic adults and is now looking to set up a branch closer to his home. He has also joined other groups and organisations. The unhurried time spent with Kenny, listening to his hopes and dreams, and facilitating new connections, reduced his isolation and stress. This support helped him manage his own needs and build informal support through new friendships and relationships, boosting his confidence significantly.

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