The Community Brokerage Network has been at the heart of developing the community brokerage approach in Scotland since the 2010s. Building on the learning from our work across Ayrshire, community brokerage is now being further developed and embedded across Scotland, leading to better outcomes for supported people.
In 2024, Self Directed Support Scotland published a National Brokerage Framework for Scotland, which was the culmination of work alongside ourselves and other stakeholders. The National Framework aims to embed the community brokerage approach right across the country.
To improve practice around brokerage, the Community Brokerage Network had originally developed an accredited qualification, the Community Brokerage Award, which is certified by Scottish Qualification Authority (SQA) and rated at Level 7 on the Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework (SCQF).
With increasing numbers of individuals completing the Award every year since its launch, the management of the Award has now transferred to Self-Directed Support Scotland, enabling further investment and a national reach for the qualification.
Alongside the Award sits the Approved Brokers Community of Practice, which gives a space for people with an interest in brokerage to find support, share practice and continue their learning and development.
For more information about the National Brokerage Framework, the Community Brokerage Award and the Approved Brokers Community of Practice, visit the Community Brokerage Scotland website.
To read the Brokerage Framework for Scotland click here: